Monday, June 30, 2008

Inquiry Staff Meeting

Last Tuesday we has an inquiry staff meeting where we discussed a number of issues related to how we were going with Inquiry.
Inquiry Learning – Where are we at???

What is good
Internet access – instant feedback/information is accurate.
Good teaching skills/ framework
Good buy in by the kids; motivated to find stuff out.
Wonderings are child generated.
Questioning skills.

What is not?
Lack of knowledge
Low skill level of children when knowing how to access information and interpret this.
Time constraints with CRT days etc
More time needed for children to reflect.

What Does it look like in class?
Organised chaos
Wonder walls

How do we assess Inquiry currently?
Tick sheets
Self Assessment

Where do Thinking Skills fit in?
Hats enable us to think form different viewpoints
Develop higher order thinking
As a tool to analyse findings/ideas

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