Wednesday, May 13, 2009


This is the first time we are really using our new IDEA Inquiry model throughout the whole inquiry.
The class came up with the title of this inquiry and named it "NATURE'S WONDERS". This was quite cool as they linked it to the natural world focus as well as inquiry with the word 'wonder' in there - very clever I thought!

IGNITE- During this phase we have completed some background knowledge and discussed/re-visited some prior learning, things like the water cycle, river's journey, bush layers etc. We also had a visit from the Horizons 'Green Rig' and one of our major motivators unfortunately was postponed (and may not happen due to weather:(, but we were supposed to be going for a bush walk at The Fern Walk in Pohangina Valley. This was to identify some trees etc but mainly to let the kids enjoy our native bush and hopefully gain an appreciation of just how lucky we are to live in NZ. This would then lead on to the idea of guardianship and how, through inquiry, they can devise and carry out some action component to make a difference to our natural world! We will find other ways to ignite this passion if we don't get to go!!

DISCOVER- This is where we are pretty much heading into. We are initially discovering a bit more about our new model, what happens at each phase and making the links to our old model/s.
The children are focusing in on certain areas of the natural world that 'spin their wheels' and are beginning to formulate some wonderings in these areas. They chose their areas individually first and have then sussed out if anyone else is on the same wave length, thus forming a group of 2 or 3 to work together. Some will be happy to work individually I am sure.

This is about where we are up to at this stage. The learning, discussions, questioning and class justification of why we should want to inquire into this topic have all been really positive so far. The ideas I've heard floating around are encouraging that some great learning and action will come during the EXAMINE and ACTION phases!!

1 comment:

Opiki School said...

Great stuff. Thanks for adding your thoughts and reflection to our blog